To add a custom scalar that has been implemented as GraphQLScalar from graphql-js you need to provide some type information in SchemaTypes generic parameter of the builder:
const builder = new SchemaBuilder<{
Scalars: {
Date: {
Input: Date;
Output: Date;
builder.addScalarType('Date', CustomDateScalar, {});
The Input type is the type that will be used when the type is used in an argument or
. The Output type is used to validate the resolvers return the correct value when using
the scalar in their return type.
const builder = new SchemaBuilder<{
Scalars: {
PositiveInt: {
Input: number;
Output: number;
builder.scalarType('PositiveInt', {
serialize: (n) => n,
parseValue: (n) => {
if (n >= 0) {
return n;
throw new Error('Value must be positive');
builder.queryFields((t) => ({
date: t.field({
type: 'Date',
resolve: () => new Date(),
positive: t.field({
type: 'PositiveInt',
resolve: () => 5,